What are company values?
Values are guiding principles which drives behavior & decision making.
Why are company values important?
Values identify what the company cares about. When the company behaves in a way that is in alignment with their values, they create a company culture.
We operationalized our values into specific, observable behaviors in order to hold our organization accountable to our vision & mission. We behave in ways that creates a company culture that is aligned with our core company values.
Balance: evenly distributing weight to remain upright & steady
We are behaving in a way that supports our value when we...
...are selective in the commitment of projects in order to grow slowly and responsibly.
...openly discuss self-care and self-management.
...implement self-care and self-management into our programs with an intimate number of change-makers.
...request appropriate compensation for our services based on market value.
Authenticity: being real & true
We are behaving in a way that supports our value when we...
...do what we say we are going to do.
...provide evidence-based information to our clients and making decisions based off of evidence-based information.
...provide feedback to others (radical candor) based on clear role expectations.
...consult with and refer to other professionals when out of our scope.
...engage in responsible transparency with change-makers and other organizations.
Embracing Uniqueness: accepting & supporting the quality of being remarkable, special, & one-of-a-kind, willingly & enthusiastically
We are behaving in a way that supports our value when we...
...provide our change-makers (clients) with individualized education and programming treatments.
...teach our change-makers to adjust to, and use appropriate skills in order to access their community and environments (i.e. accepting the uniqueness of harmless self-stimulatory and safe stereotypical behaviors our change-makers engage in while supporting their need).
...incorporate skills and training based on our change-makers’ diverse cultures.
...treating all with equal respect.
Openness + Connection: accepting new ideas & methods in order to join forces with others
We are behaving in a way that supports our value when we...
...provide community members with education or clear and constructive feedback regarding misrepresentation, a lack of knowledge, or understanding about exceptionalities.
...honestly admit when we do not have an answer to questions or we are not able to fulfill requests.
...publicly support other service providers and professionals in the educational field who align with our values.
...actively seek out collaborative involvement with other community resources and agencies who align with our mission.
...provide caregivers and community members with quality support by asking them to schedule a time for us to be able to actively listen to their concerns.
Our values = our foundation
We see a future where individuals with disabilities are truly embraced by their communities. We do not desire to change individuals with disabilities to fit into society; we only want to ensure services & support is provided when those individuals require help accessing their communities. We want society to make changes to their outlook on disability by removing stigmatization in order to focus on individuals.
